Egypt | Raising Up Disciples and Leaders in the Disabled Community
With disability in Egypt seen as a shame, many times both the individual and the family are shunned by the community. Sometimes the family tries to hide the family member with disability out of fear and preservation to keep jobs, get marriage offers, and be a part of the community. This is very isolating for the individual with the disability as well as the family. Novo’s partner in the Middle East, NEO Leaders staff and volunteers, pursue families and create a space for community among other families who have individuals with disabilities.
Along with the weekly Bible study gatherings, NEO Leaders hold regular events for individuals with disabilities and their families to gather, hear the gospel, worship, and fellowship. Each gathering accommodates 2000-2500 people. Each attendee receives transport from their village, a warm meal, and clothes (or other giveaways). The NEO Leaders team sees these events as a place of community, acceptance, and learning among the disabled and their families. Many of these individuals do not leave their village, so to be taken for a gathering they are personally invited to and provided with physical and spiritual nourishment is something many look forward to.
NEO Leaders in Egypt have a team of leaders—some of whom have disabilities themselves—who are each leading several Discovery Bible Study (DBS) groups. As these leaders grow in their ministry and disciple making, they are seeing the community around them react in remarkable ways. Staff and volunteers are now serving close to 16,000 disabled people as well as their families.