There are two things mentioned often throughout these stories that we deeply value, gospel movements and Discovery Bible Study. If you’re interested, we’ve explained a little more what we mean:

  • Gospel movements happen when the good news of Jesus spreads contagiously through a network of social relationships whereby many people become committed followers of Jesus and groups of these disciples multiply. Such movements have the potential to radically impact whole towns, cities, and nations.
    Learn more about Gospel Movements.

  • In a Discovery Bible Study group we see spiritually-interested people read the Bible story together, discover what it says, and then are challenged to immediately live out what they learned and share it with someone else. It’s that simple!
    Learn more about DBS.

North America

Annapolis, Maryland | Pastoral Prayers Across Racial Divides Bring Change (2024)

Austin, Texas | A Church for Special Needs (2024)

Austin, Texas | Diapers, DBS, and Mobilization into Ministry (2023)

Dallas, Texas | A Holy Spirit Fire in Young Adults (2023)

Dallas, Texas | Young Adults Activated into Prayer and Mission (2024)

Indianapolis, Indiana | A One in a Million Opportunity (2024)

Kansas City, Kansas | 100 Microchurches Strong and Still Growing (2023)

Kansas City, Missouri | Surprise Supernatural Realities Encouraging Believers to Pray (2023)

Kansas | Wellness Shepherds for Novo Workers (2024)

Lancaster, Pennsylvania | God Is Up to Something…Everywhere (2024)

Loogootee, Indiana | A Former Prisoner Brings the Freedom of Jesus to Hundreds of Thousands (2024)

Los Angeles, California | Prayers, Healing, and How God Is Moving Among High Schoolers (2023)

Mexico | Planting Seeds of the Gospel in Afghan Refugees (2023)

Minden, Nevada | Christmas Candy for a Cause (2024)

Minden, Nevada | Launched into Disciplemaking in Unconventional Places (2023)

Minneapolis, Minnesota | Bringing Unity to the Church and Growing in Spiritual Authority (2023)

Nebraska | DBSs and Cultural Transformation in the Police Department (2024)

Nevada | "Dirt Church" in the Nevada Desert (2024)

Newcastle, Colorado | A Growing Gospel Movement in the West (2023)

Redding, California | Engaging the Unchurched Through Coffee (2023)

San Juan Capistrano, California | A Prayer-Walking Movement in Orange County’s Largest School District (2024)

Santa Clarita, California | Horchata Milkshakes and Letting the Holy Spirit Lead (2024)

Wichita, Kansas | Calling the Shots for Jesus in Prison (2024)