Nigeria | Turning Idol Worshippers to Christ
Rev Paul was an ordained priest, pastoring a rural church from a major denomination in Langtan, a very backward area that is a major hub for idol worship and witchcraft. Rev Paul learned about gospel movements from Novo’s global partners in Nigeria, Ben and Lydia Akpera, and quickly introduced Discovery Bible Studies to his local community.
Japan | The Slow But Unstoppable Work of God
Japan has a population of 125 million people, and only 0.3% are evangelical believers. The Kims have felt isolated in their context and struggled to see fruit from their efforts.
Austin, Texas | A Church for Special Needs
Gail, who had worked as a special needs educator for her whole life, and Amy, the director of a special needs ministry at their church in Austin, joined Novo on a vision trip to Egypt. They saw 3,000 people in one gathering, and Gail heard God whisper, “You need to have a bigger heart for special needs.”
Uganda | A Different Kind of Soccer Team
AVA Mission Africa, serving Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, and Kenya, have a focus on young children up through young adults in the early 30s. They’ve seen amazing growth—342 new DBS groups and 281 new disciple-makers in just one quarter!
Germany | Believers Finding “More” With Jesus Through Making Disciples
Eddy was a church planter with a passion to see the gospel move in Germany, but…these churches weren’t really growing or multiplying, and everyday people weren’t becoming activated to live out their faith. At the same time, Eddy saw a lot of people asking Jesus for “more.” He realized the answer to their desire was for them to become effective disciple makers.
Central Asia | A Foot-Washing Movement Among Unreached Muslims
On a short trip to a mountainous region of South Asia, Novo staff and global partners felt the Holy Spirit leading them to wash the feet of two couples who lead a local ministry to Muslims. God used it powerfully to touch their hearts.
San Juan Capistrano, California | A Prayer-Walking Movement in Orange County’s Largest School District
“Why couldn’t every school in your district be prayer-walked?” This felt crazy to Jonné because her school district was one of the largest in California. But God was big enough.
Kenya | From Activating Prayer to Making Disciples in Kenya
What began as a virtual Activating Prayer Cohort quickly evolved into a powerful movement—activating, training, and mobilizing believers to bring the ministry of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to all corners of Nairobi, Kenya.
Dallas, Texas | Young Adults Activated into Prayer and Mission
In Dallas, the Activating Prayer Cohort (previously the Spiritual Authority Cohort) has taken off among young adults. At this point around 300 young adults across Dallas-Fort Worth have participated in the Cohort and been activated into prayer and lives on mission.
Iraq | Bringing Hope to Women Formerly Held Captive by ISIS
The Yazidis are a people group targeted and massacred by ISIS with an estimate of 12,000- 14,000 who died or were captured, and 71% displaced. Many women and young girls were taken and trafficked as sex slaves for ISIS. Some eventually escaped, but because their ordeal is seen as shameful in their culture, they couldn’t go home to their families.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania | God Is Up to Something…Everywhere
As a paramedic, Phill has countless opportunities to meet people in need of both physical and spiritual healing. Whether in the back of an ambulance or on a call, he’s learned to rely on God just as much as his professional training, offering comfort and prayer alongside medical care. Even his “not-yet-following-Jesus” partner has started referring patients for prayer.
Uganda | Supporting Teachers in Hard-to-Reach Places
In northern Uganda, 1.7 million South Sudanese refugees have sought shelter in refugee camps—57% of them children. Advancing Leaders International (ALI), a ministry connected to Novo that trains and empowers teachers in hard-to-reach areas, has been working to support schools in the camps since 2018.
Loogootee, Indiana | A Former Prisoner Brings the Freedom of Jesus to Hundreds of Thousands
Scotty planted a congregation on the inside of the prison where he used to be an inmate. He understood exactly where those guys were coming from, and could speak to them about the way out (through Jesus) that he’d found.
Middle East | A Healed Sheikh Opens Doors to Jesus
God has a remarkable way of opening doors for the good news when people are willing to partner with him. One of these God-moments occurred when one of the church leaders met a Sheikh—a respected elder and leader within the Muslim community.
Scotland | A Community of Prayer and Worship Among an Unreached People
Glasgow’s motto was originally, “Let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of thy word, and the praising of thy name.” In the last decade it was changed to just "Let Glasgow Flourish."
South Africa | Growing Disciples on the Basketball Court
Ruben connected with the Novo InnerCHANGE team as a teenager when they went to his high school to recruit new basketball players. Ruben joined, and the basketball coach poured into Ruben, mentoring and discipling him. When Covid hit, the basketball teams got shut down.
Annapolis, Maryland | Pastoral Prayers Across Racial Divides Bring Change
Pastors around Annapolis, Maryland (near Washington, DC) have been gathering to pray together for years, joined by Novo staff Todd. In 2022, Todd suggested that in addition to praying at church buildings, they also pray in different missional spaces around the area. That same week, one of the black churches was vandalized with racial slurs.
Colombia | Ministering to Victims of Domestic Abuse
This InnerCHANGE ministry is highly relational, connecting with women in a plaza and in a one-room community center surrounded by makeshift homes. They’ve listened to many stories of trauma and struggle, and realized that many families were suffering from violence in their homes.
Russia | Building Relational Foundations for a Gospel Movement
Lyle adapted a curriculum, “Real Talk,” to fit the Russian context. It had a dual focus on communication skills and on the heart—how our relationship with God impacts our relationships with others. Real Talk took people through a process of relational and spiritual “heart surgery.”
Minden, Nevada | Christmas Candy for a Cause
Hallelujah Toffee, based in the small town of Minden, Nevada, has grown over the last 25 years from a small family-run side-hustle dedicated to paying off one family member’s medical student loans, into a volunteer-powered non-profit that contributes all of their profits (an expected 180k this year) to missions.
Lebanon | Serving Those Displaced by War
“Honestly, if you ask me how I’m doing, I would say: 'Physically, I'm fine. But mentally and emotionally, I'm not well.'”
The situation in Lebanon has reached a critical point as the recent violence has displaced over 1.3 million people, destroyed homes, and left communities shattered.
Wichita, Kansas | Calling the Shots for Jesus in Prison
A chaplain gave Jeremy a tour, and when they got to the chow line, she called a man over. “Come receive your blessing,” she said to him. Then she looked at Jeremy. This prisoner was a massive man. Jeremy paused to listen to Jesus, then got up on his tiptoes and whispered in the man’s ear, “This is not your home. Your home is in heaven…”
Argentina | Sending Latin Americans to Hard-to-Reach Places
Hannah (name changed) was 17 years old when she learned there were places where people had never heard about Jesus. “How can I reach these people, God? I want to be the person you use where people need you.” Hannah realized she had a calling to those who had never heard and asked God to show her the path to reach them.
Indianapolis, Indiana | A One in a Million Opportunity
Zach and his friends decided to go on a prayer retreat, spending a whole day in listening prayer and asking God to speak into every aspect of their lives. Zach had been trying to “make it” professionally as a soccer player. When it was time to pray about the professional aspect of his life, Zach heard one thing clearly: “Call Reggie”
Spain | Supporting Everyday Disciple Makers Through “Coaching Circles”
Everyone gets discouraged or needs fresh creativity for ministry from time to time, and we really want our network of everyday disciple makers to succeed at following Jesus into mission! After participating in the Activating Prayer Cohort and the Disciple Making Cohort, people are given the opportunity to commit to disciple making and join a Coaching Circle.
Nebraska | DBSs and Cultural Transformation in the Police Department
Police stations are like isolated, well-guarded countries; you can’t just walk in and start doing ministry. But the relationship with the police chief opened the doors for Novo to start a Discovery Bible Study at the station.
South Asia | Diamond’s Daughters
Diamond was saved at the age of 13 through a youth Bible study, and subsequently led her parents to the Lord. She later led her husband, who was an atheist, to the Lord. Together, they left their jobs to spread the gospel, planting several churches, raising up leaders, and starting a mission organization.
Santa Clarita, California | Horchata Milkshakes and Letting the Holy Spirit Lead
So much ministry impact comes from first paying attention to God’s leading. In Santa Clarita, Brandon had just finished up dinner when he felt a Holy Spirit nudge to go to Del Taco. I don’t know, he thought. I think I just want a horchata milkshake. But he got in his car and went.
Peru | One New Believer Opens a School District to Jesus
Jessica had never stepped into the strategic missional space of making disciples through Discovery Bible Studies (DBSs) before attending the Novo Disciple Making Cohort. After that training, Jessica invited 17 non-Christian women from her neighborhood to join a 6-week DBS. Amazingly, 13 of the 17 women became believers.
Kansas | Wellness Shepherds for Novo Workers
Global workers can face burnout, need counseling, or experience a crisis. In fact, 50% of all global workers leave their ministry location within the first five years, and of those who leave, 71% leave for preventable reasons.
South Asia | Sacrificial Giving to Reach the Unreached
Novo staff were able to train 1,190 “Master Trainers," each training 12 others, who together as a team aim to launch 50 DBSs and lead 500 people to Jesus in a year. There are currently 1400 local teams overseeing 125,632 Discovery Bible Study groups facilitated by everyday disciples!
Nevada | "Dirt Church" in the Nevada Desert
Greg and some of his long-time friends who were believers in the motorcycle community decided to start a Christian club in the association. They called it “Moto Novo.” The club began with 12 members who were believers; today, there are about 60 members, and more than half aren’t Christian.
Singapore | Investing in the New Frontier of World Missions
For the past 300 years, western Christians, sent from well-resourced countries, were the predominant cross-cultural missionaries. However, churches from a broader range of countries are increasingly sending global workers too.
Ecuador | Discovery Bible Studies Multiplying and Forming Churches
Tomás Moreno, who leads Novo’s CoNext partner organization in South America, left his home country of Venezuela due to the collapse of the government, moving his ministry base to Ecuador.
Austin, Texas | Diapers, DBS, and Mobilization into Ministry
Amy was a stay-at-home mom, and when she began feeling that season coming to a close, she was at a crossroads. What was next?
Nepal | A Healed Water Buffalo and a Gospel Movement
Taral (name changed) grew up in a remote Nepali village. He was the son of a Hindu priest, and began studying to become a priest himself. But then he heard about Jesus
Egypt | Raising Up Disciples and Leaders in the Disabled Community
With disability in Egypt seen as a shame, many times both the individual and the family are shunned by the community. Sometimes the family tries to hide the family member with disability out of fear and preservation to keep jobs, get marriage offers, and be a part of the community.
Los Angeles, California | Prayers, Healing, and How God Is Moving Among High Schoolers
MacArthur Park in Los Angeles is one of the most densely populated neighborhoods West of the Mississippi. A Novo InnerCHANGE team has been investing there for some time, prayer-walking, pouring into children, teens, and relationships with neighbors, and developing leaders in the community.
Kansas City, Missouri | 100 Microchurches Strong and Still Growing
In Kansas City, KC Underground has a whopping 100 microchurches in all different pockets of the city, from high schools, to jails, to suburban neighborhoods.
Mexico | Planting Seeds of the Gospel in Afghan Refugees
Monica (name changed) felt called to one of the hardest places in Central Asia, and was finally able to visit in 2009. However, her passport was flagged and she couldn’t return. She began a group to pray for Afghans in her home of Mexico City.
Scotland | Pizzachurch: A Church By Kids and For Kids
As Adam and Charlotte got their microchurch started, they asked their two kids what they wanted church to look like for them. “We’d like to eat pizza. We’d like to learn about Jesus. And we’d like to be able to invite our friends.” Pizzachurch was born.
Minden, Nevada | Launched into Disciplemaking in Unconventional Places
Greg and Jeannie live in Nevada. They first encountered Novo at an event, and shortly thereafter traveled with Novo to the Middle East.
Kansas City, Kansas | Surprise Supernatural Realities Encouraging Believers to Pray
Suz is a physician in Kansas City. Her whole career is based on research, evidence, and science.
South Asia | Explosion of New Believers in South Asia
The Holy Spirit has been bringing an awakening to the people of South Asia—an understanding that there are no “simple believers” but everyone is called to action, called to make disciples.
Minneapolis, Minnesota | Bringing Unity to the Church and Growing in Spiritual Authority
The Twin Cities is full of great diversity, but also deeply segregated still to this day.
Redding, California | Engaging the Unchurched Through Coffee
Stuart and Sara work in the 5th most unchurched city in the US, where only 26% of people say they are religious, using their coffeehouse as a vehicle for relationship and a space to do activating prayer.
Dallas, Texas | A Holy Spirit Fire in Young Adults
In the fall of 2021, a bunch of 20-somethings participated in Novo’s Spiritual Authority Cohort and embraced the mission of introducing everyone they knew to the abundant prayer life promised by Jesus.
Greece | Hundreds of Refugees Baptized and Multiplying (Copy)
In their efforts to reach refugees coming into Europe, Tommie and Jonas (part of Novo’s partner organization in Europe and the Middle East, NEO Leaders) began to pray over their base city of Thessalonica.
Uganda | A Gospel Movement Among Muslims
Faisal grew up as a Muslim in Uganda. But then he encountered Jesus in a vision.
Kenya | No Longer Disqualified to Follow Jesus
Lydiah was a gifted soccer player but lacked confidence because she’d never had anyone pour into her and build her up.
Newcastle, Colorado | A Growing Gospel Movement in the West
God moved Lee and Jana Price to Newcastle in Western Colorado to pursue a gospel movement.
Spain | Divine Provision in the Nick of Time
Novo’s missionary care branch, SentWell, is located in Malaga, Spain.
Ukraine | Healing Souls in the Midst of War
When the war broke out in Ukraine, our team stayed in place—despite having the option to flee—and began to serve people displaced by the war.
There are two things mentioned often throughout these stories that we deeply value, gospel movements and Discovery Bible Study. If you’re interested, we’ve explained a little more what we mean:
Gospel movements happen when the good news of Jesus spreads contagiously through a network of social relationships whereby many people become committed followers of Jesus and groups of these disciples multiply. Such movements have the potential to radically impact whole towns, cities, and nations.
Learn more about Gospel Movements. -
In a Discovery Bible Study group we see spiritually-interested people read the Bible story together, discover what it says, and then are challenged to immediately live out what they learned and share it with someone else. It’s that simple!
Learn more about DBS.
North America
Annapolis, Maryland | Pastoral Prayers Across Racial Divides Bring Change (2024)
Austin, Texas | A Church for Special Needs (2024)
Austin, Texas | Diapers, DBS, and Mobilization into Ministry (2023)
Dallas, Texas | A Holy Spirit Fire in Young Adults (2023)
Dallas, Texas | Young Adults Activated into Prayer and Mission (2024)
Indianapolis, Indiana | A One in a Million Opportunity (2024)
Kansas City, Kansas | 100 Microchurches Strong and Still Growing (2023)
Kansas City, Missouri | Surprise Supernatural Realities Encouraging Believers to Pray (2023)
Kansas | Wellness Shepherds for Novo Workers (2024)
Lancaster, Pennsylvania | God Is Up to Something…Everywhere (2024)
Loogootee, Indiana | A Former Prisoner Brings the Freedom of Jesus to Hundreds of Thousands (2024)
Los Angeles, California | Prayers, Healing, and How God Is Moving Among High Schoolers (2023)
Mexico | Planting Seeds of the Gospel in Afghan Refugees (2023)
Minden, Nevada | Christmas Candy for a Cause (2024)
Minden, Nevada | Launched into Disciplemaking in Unconventional Places (2023)
Minneapolis, Minnesota | Bringing Unity to the Church and Growing in Spiritual Authority (2023)
Nebraska | DBSs and Cultural Transformation in the Police Department (2024)
Nevada | "Dirt Church" in the Nevada Desert (2024)
Newcastle, Colorado | A Growing Gospel Movement in the West (2023)
Redding, California | Engaging the Unchurched Through Coffee (2023)
Santa Clarita, California | Horchata Milkshakes and Letting the Holy Spirit Lead (2024)
Wichita, Kansas | Calling the Shots for Jesus in Prison (2024)
Egypt | Raising Up Disciples and Leaders in the Disabled Community (2023)
Kenya | From Activating Prayer to Making Disciples in Kenya (2024)
Kenya | No Longer Disqualified to Follow Jesus (2023)
Nigeria | Turning Idol Worshippers to Christ (2024)
South Africa | Growing Disciples on the Basketball Court (2024)
Uganda | A Different Kind of Soccer Team (2024)
Asia & Middle East
Central Asia | A Foot-Washing Movement Among Unreached Muslims (2024)
Iraq | Bringing Hope to Women Formerly Held Captive by ISIS (2024)
Japan | The Slow But Unstoppable Work of God (2024)
Lebanon | Serving Those Displaced by War (2024)
Middle East | A Healed Sheikh Opens Doors to Jesus (2024)
Nepal | A Healed Water Buffalo and a Gospel Movement (2023)
Singapore | Investing in the New Frontier of World Missions (2023)
South Asia | Diamond’s Daughters (2024)
South Asia | Explosion of New Believers in South Asia (2023)
South Asia | Sacrificial Giving to Reach the Unreached (2024)
Scotland | A Community of Prayer and Worship Among an Unreached People (2024)
Scotland | Pizzachurch: A Church By Kids and For Kids (2023)
Germany | Believers Finding “More” With Jesus Through Making Disciples (2024)
Greece | Hundreds of Refugees Baptized and Multiplying (2023)
Russia | Building Relational Foundations for a Gospel Movement (2024)
Spain | Divine Provision in the Nick of Time (2023)
Spain | Supporting Everyday Disciple Makers Through “Coaching Circles” (2024)