Nigeria | Turning Idol Worshippers to Christ

Rev Paul was an ordained priest, pastoring a rural church from a major denomination in Langtan, a very backward area that is a major hub for idol worship and witchcraft. Rev Paul learned about gospel movements from Novo’s global partners in Nigeria, Ben and Lydia Akpera, and quickly introduced Discovery Bible Studies to his local community. This has resulted in salvations, baptisms, and emerging leaders.

One person Rev Paul shared the good news with was an idol worshiper in charge of all the youth who worshiped idols in the community. This young man usually led young people to arrest, beat up, and sometimes kill members of the community for violating idol practices and traditions in the land. Rev Paul has been arrested by this group three times himself. However, this leader encountered Jesus and felt deep conviction. He told the youth following him to look for his replacement, because he wanted to completely follow Jesus. Two DBS groups were started as a result of his decision to follow Jesus, and young people who once followed idols are now gathering every morning to pray and study the Bible. As his life changed, this youth leader was appointed as a local chief, and is now an influential movement leader, multiplying DBS groups into other locations.

Rev Paul’s wife, who had a specific interest in children, got training in how to do DBS with kids and how to be an administrator for Christian education. She started a school in an area where there hadn’t been one for generations. The school is now a disciple-making center. Rev Paul and his wife are discipling children to disciple others, and reaching families previously steeped in idol worship and witchcraft. They are catalyzing a gospel movement in this community while also working together in Rev Paul’s “traditional” church setting.


Japan | The Slow But Unstoppable Work of God