2024 Stories
There are two things mentioned often throughout these stories that we deeply value, gospel movements and Discovery Bible Study. If you’re interested, we’ve explained a little more what we mean:
Gospel movements happen when the good news of Jesus spreads contagiously through a network of social relationships whereby many people become committed followers of Jesus and groups of these disciples multiply. Such movements have the potential to radically impact whole towns, cities, and nations.
Learn more about Gospel Movements. -
In a Discovery Bible Study group we see spiritually-interested people read the Bible story together, discover what it says, and then are challenged to immediately live out what they learned and share it with someone else. It’s that simple!
Learn more about DBS.

Nigeria | Turning Idol Worshippers to Christ
Rev Paul was an ordained priest, pastoring a rural church from a major denomination in Langtan, a very backward area that is a major hub for idol worship and witchcraft. Rev Paul learned about gospel movements from Novo’s global partners in Nigeria, Ben and Lydia Akpera, and quickly introduced Discovery Bible Studies to his local community.

Uganda | A Different Kind of Soccer Team
AVA Mission Africa, serving Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, and Kenya, have a focus on young children up through young adults in the early 30s. They’ve seen amazing growth—342 new DBS groups and 281 new disciple-makers in just one quarter!

Kenya | From Activating Prayer to Making Disciples in Kenya
What began as a virtual Activating Prayer Cohort quickly evolved into a powerful movement—activating, training, and mobilizing believers to bring the ministry of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to all corners of Nairobi, Kenya.

Uganda | Supporting Teachers in Hard-to-Reach Places
In northern Uganda, 1.7 million South Sudanese refugees have sought shelter in refugee camps—57% of them children. Advancing Leaders International (ALI), a ministry connected to Novo that trains and empowers teachers in hard-to-reach areas, has been working to support schools in the camps since 2018.

South Africa | Growing Disciples on the Basketball Court
Ruben connected with the Novo InnerCHANGE team as a teenager when they went to his high school to recruit new basketball players. Ruben joined, and the basketball coach poured into Ruben, mentoring and discipling him. When Covid hit, the basketball teams got shut down.