Explore all the ways God has shown up to make MORE disciples through our workers—staff, leaders, and everyday disciple-makers. There are two ways to see the stories: click the red pins on the map to read their stories in a pop-up window, or scroll down to read them on the blog.


Each of these stories happened because someone said “yes” to God’s leading in their life. From Novo staff serving near and far, national leaders stewarding rapidly growing gospel movements around the world, everyday disciple-makers reaching their neighbors, and you—our partner. Your financial giving and prayers make it possible for the thousands of people represented in these stories to hear and respond to the good news. In fact, these stories...are really about YOUR "yes" too. Thank you.

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You can read the 2024 stories featured on the map here too!


One New Believer Opens a School District to Jesus

Jessica, a leader in her mission organization, had never tried disciple-making until attending the Novo Disciple Making Cohort. Inspired, she invited 17 non-Christian women to a six-week Discovery Bible Study (DBS)—and 13 became believers.

One of them, Carmen, a school vice principal, felt compelled to share Jesus with parents. With Jessica’s help, they launched a DBS for families, which quickly gained the principal’s support. Within two months, they were leading DBSs at four schools, with many parents and kids coming to faith every week.

Now, over 1,000 people gather in these DBS groups weekly, with over 100 brand new believers and 60 returning to Jesus. And five more schools are waiting to join—all because one believer said “yes” to God, and one new believer’s heart for her community.

Sacrificial Giving to Reach the Unreached

Novo’s global partner in South Asia has a bold vision to reach every one of their country’s districts—millions of people! And they’re doing that through multiplication, just like Jesus did. This year, Novo staff trained nearly 1,200 “Master Trainers,” each training 12 others, who together as a team aim to launch 50 DBS groups and lead 500 people to Jesus in a year. There are currently 1,400 local teams overseeing 125,632 Discovery Bible Study groups facilitated by everyday disciples—and the numbers continue to expand!

God’s power is evident as many share stories of physical healing, and some have even been raised from the dead! Despite persecution and financial hardship, these volunteer leaders press on. When funds fell short, one team donated their ministry resources to reach another district, trusting God to meet their needs. Their faith is transforming lives across the nation.

"Dirt Church" in the Nevada Desert

Greg Burns, a long-time believer, thought it was the pastor’s job to do evangelism. But that all changed when he took Novo’s Disciple-Making Cohort and was equipped to make disciples himself. He caught a vision for where God wanted him to engage with non-believers: the Nevada motorcycle racing association he’d been involved with for a long time. He co-founded “Moto Novo,” a Christian club that grew from 12 to about 60 members, more than half of whom aren’t Christians.

On Sunday mornings, they sponsor races, prayer-walking the track and sharing a gospel message, calling it “Dirt Church.” People who have zero interest in entering a church are encountering the truth of Jesus in the middle of the Nevada desert and choosing to follow him! At this point there are 13 different DBS groups going, and 12 people have become followers of Jesus.

“As we partner with Jesus to see the gospel move and multiply, it’s important that we stop and celebrate! While we envision and work toward whole towns and regions being saturated with the gospel, we value remembering and celebrating each individual story of transformation along the way. And what a privilege that we get to tell stories of what God is doing from multiple countries, contexts, and continents around the world.”

-Mark Thrash, Novo-US President

Send more workers who make disciples just like these!

Whether it’s a place that’s hostile to the gospel or in your own backyard, Novo has the simple tools to effectively awaken believers to God’s voice, equip them to reach their neighbors, and mobilize them to make disciples who make MORE disciples. 

We not only freely give away these resources to awaken, equip, and mobilize, but we also strategically fan the flame of the Holy Spirit’s work where there are clear signs of gospel movement with a holistic support plan. Your generosity makes these things possible; will you give today so we can see MORE workers making MORE disciples?

Featured at the top of this page are current stories from 2024. View the entire collection of stories in our map archive.